Friday, April 8, 2016

Geography Discussion

Walking the girls to school this morning:

MADELEINE: Mama.  Okay.  What is on the other side of the Earth from us?
ME: You mean, like what countries?
JULIA: Like, Asia, and Australia...what about Africa?
ME: Africa is closer to where we live than Australia and Eastern Asia.
MADELEINE: Okay.  And Mama.  What is, like, RIGHT next to Massachusetts?
JULIA: Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut...
MADELEINE: No, but...I mean...what would you get to if you just went RIGHT next to Massachusetts?
ME: Well, if you went directly north, you'd get to either New Hampshire or Vermont.  If you went south, you'd get to Connecticut.  And if you went directly west, you'd get to New York.
JULIA: Yeah, but when we go to Connecticut, we go to the Western part, so we have to drive in a diagonal.  So if you went directly south, would you be in Rhode Island?
ME: Well, from here, yeah.  But from other parts of Massachusetts, you'd be in Eastern Connecticut.
MADELEINE: But I thought Yiayia always comes to OUR house for Easter!

Oh, boy.  Madeleine, with it, as always.

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