Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Curse of the Suit

Madeleine got to debut her brand new Valentine's gift bathing suit on Valentine's Day itself, sporting the suit to evening swim practice.  

In the wee hours of the following morning, she began her barf-fest that left her couch-ridden for the whole next day.

Fast-forward through the Cookie Classic swim meet and the following day's swim practice: Madeleine wore her new suit to mid-week swim practice, nearly a week after her stomach bug.  I decided to make a prophetic joke.

ME: Okay, you're braving this suit again, huh?  Let's hope you don't wind up puking in the night again!

At 10pm that evening she barfed in her bed.

Ethan did bedroom clean-up duty while I did Madeleine clean-up duty.  While Madeleine stood under the shower head and I squirted shampoo into her puked-upon hair, she lamented.

MADELEINE: (in doleful anguish) It's the SUIT.  I'm NEVER wearing it again!

I would have been a little more convinced by my own assurances to her that the bathing suit couldn't have caused her to vomit if I hadn't cursed myself with my earlier foolish joking comment.

At any rate, as Madeleine was getting ready for swim practice last night, she approached me with the new suit.

MADELEINE: Do you think I can wear this one again?
ME: Sure.  (but secretly, irrationally panicking that I'd be cleaning up vomit in the night again.)

Madeleine wore the suit.  She slept through the night without barfing.

I was in the shower this morning when Madeleine burst triumphantly into the bathroom.

MADELEINE: I made the night!
ME: Hooray!
MADELEINE: And Mommy?  I was so WORRIED about it that I even DREAMED I threw up!  But then when I was awake I was like, "Oh, phew, it was a DREAM!"

I am as relieved as she.

The curse of the suit is over!

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