Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Julia Takes a Bath

In which Julia struggles to do simple things like taking a bath:

JULIA: Mommy?  After you shower, can I try out my new bath bombs that I got from my birthday party?
ME: Sure. (taking my shower, then setting the faucet to the bath setting) Okay.  I put the faucet on the tub setting.
JULIA: Okay.  Mommy?  How do I get the bath bombs out? (carrying the package to me)
ME: I think you need to cut it.  Go get some scissors.
JULIA: (re-emerging with scissors) Now what?
ME: Now cut it and see if you can get it out.
JULIA: (attempting one scissor cut) Nope.
ME: Okay.  Give it to me.  (cutting through the packaging and taking out the bath bomb, which was in its own plastic packaging) Open this over the tub, so it doesn't get everywhere.
JULIA: Okay.  Wait.  Mommy?  Can you help me turn on the tub?
ME: I already put it on the bath setting.  Just turn the water on.  Start with hot, feel it with your hand, and add a little cold if it feels too hot.
JULIA: But can you turn it on for me?
ME: You just turn the handle on the faucet.
ME: There's only one way. 
JULIA: How do I know what the right way is?
ME: If you turn the handle and it moves and water comes out, it's the right way.  If you try to turn it and it won't budge, then it's the wrong way.
JULIA: Okay (moving the handle) I did it!!
ME: Great.  I knew you could do it.
JULIA: Mommy?  How high should I fill it?
ME: Well, we don't want it to overflow, so don't fill it up to the edge.
JULIA: So, like, halfway?
ME: Sounds perfect.
JULIA: Wait. Mommy?  How do I get the bath bomb out?
ME: Just pull the packaging apart.
JULIA: But I don't know how.
ME: Pull on it.
JULIA: I tried that already!
ME: Okay.  I'll help you, but then I really need to make a pumpkin pie!
JULIA: Okay.  Sorry!  (holding on to one end of the packaging while I pulled and got the top part open)
ME: Okay, there you go. Drop it in the bath and hop in when it's halfway full.
JULIA: Okay!

About ten minutes later:

JULIA: Mommy?  How much LONGER will it take to fill up?  It's taking FOREVER!
ME: Let me see (leaving my pie crust dough to go look) That looks good.  It will rise higher when your body weight is in it.  Go ahead and take your bath.
JULIA: Okay.

About 30 seconds later:

JULIA: Mommy!  I wasted the WHOLE THING because I didn't put the drain thing in and all the water drained out!
ME: You didn't plug the drain?
JULIA: No!  I didn't know I was SUPPOSED to!
ME: Okay, well put the stopper in and fill it back up.  You can just get in now so you can use what's left of the water.
JULIA: But the whole bath bomb dissolved and went down the drain!
ME: Okay.
JULIA: Can I start again with a different bath bomb?
ME: Yes.

About five minutes later:

JULIA: Mommy!  Do I put the drain thing in and then take it out?
ME: What?
JULIA: Like, do I keep the drain thing out right now or put it in?
ME: (going into the bathroom) Honey.  (putting the stopper into the tub)
JULIA: Well, I didn't KNOW I was supposed to have that IN THERE!  I haven't taken a bath in a REALLY LONG TIME!

Common sense is sometimes not her forte.

By the time Julia actually got her bath going, we had run out of hot water, which also meant that as I tried to do the dishes from my baking, I was stuck with lukewarm sink water.  However, the second bath bomb did not go to waste, as Julia plunged on in to the non-hot water and bathed anyway, so I guess the second time was (sort of) the charm!