Friday, November 30, 2018

Madeleine's Essay

First off, let me wish a happy birthday to one of my most-devoted readers!  Happy Birthday, Lily!

Secondly, I wanted to share Madeleine's non-fiction writing from school with you all (all spelling and grammar appears as in the original):

A Day in the Rain at As
By Madeleine Rowe

It was a hot, hot Summer full of rain, sun, and thunderstorms.  My sister Julia and I had swam for the Needham Sharks (as always), our town swimteam.  We both qualified for A championships, so we got up early in the morning to go.  B championships had passed a week ago, but the excitement had started before that.  "Is it time to go now!?!" Julia asked.  "No." answered Mommy.  "We're not all ready."  "Is it time???" I called from downstairs as soon as I finished getting ready.  "For the last time, we're not ready!!!" Mommy yelled.  "Sorry.  I'm excited!!!" I said.  "I can tell." Daddy told me.

Exactly 26 minutes later, we got in the car.  Mommy put the car into drive, and we were off.  I kept my eye on the weather, because Mommy said it would probably rain that day.  It was barely a drizzle outside right then, but who knew what would happen?  I looked outside almost the entire time, but stopped once or twice to look at my feet.  It was a long but short drive.

Finnally, we got to Newton.  It was cloudy but not rainy.  We walked through the wet grass.  "My feet are wet!" I cried.  Mommy and Julia giggled.  "Of course they are!  It's the dew." explained Mommy.  "And the rain." I corrected her.

When we got the tent, Julia put her stuff down.  I looked around.  I felt tears form in my eyes.  "Where can I put my stuff?"  I barely managed to say softly.  "Here, Madeleine.  You can put your stuff here."  Our friend Molly, patted the spot next to her on her towel.  Those girls weren't kind enough to let you sit with them."  She smirked at Julia and her fraturnal twin, Claire.  They nodded rapidly.  "Okay, uh, yeah." I studdered. I sat down slowly on the dirty pink towel.  Molly hugged me.  "See, girls?  Madeleine's my friend." she bragged.  "I'm both your friends." I said.  Molly and Claire shrugged.  Claire continued chatting with Julia and Molly got back to writing in her journal.  After warm-ups, we all scurried back over to the tents.  It's not raining.  It's not raining. I told myself.  It was sprinkling.  "It's raining!"  I bundled up in my sweatshirt.  The pool was as cold as the air, so everyone needed extra layers.  I layed my feet down on Molly's towel.  Bare feet + rough cement = feet hurt.

The rain continued, getting harder and harder every half minute.  It seemed determined to annoy us, not even bothering to listen to God, who was trying to answer our prayers.

The roofs of the tents would sag with the piles of rain on top.  The older, taller people had to push the rain off.  But that water would rush in!  And every time someone would push, another filled up.  All the tents were flooded and I started crying!

Finnally, the rain stopped.  No one had been washed away, and I was safe.  So we all went to the showers to warm up.

(End of Essay)

Okay, I am legitimately impressed with Madeleine's writing skills here.  However, I must point out a few things I noticed.

#1: I can guarantee I did not ever yell at the girls that morning, let alone yell "For the last time, we're not ready!!!"  I'm WAAAAY nicer than that.

#2: I can guarantee I didn't drive to the pool because I don't dare to drive with Ethan in the car.  He's the worst backseat (passenger seat) driver because he knows I'm the worst driver's seat driver.

#3: I like how in Madeleine's recollection, she had to correct her dunce of a mother that the grass was wet from rain, not dew.

#4: All of the stuff about the rain is true.  In fact, I will never forget having to stand on the pool deck timing events all while getting increasingly more soaked to the bone.  It was miserable, and the tents definitely flooded and Madeleine definitely cried.  However, I am curious about the fact that she ended her story with the rain stopping and didn't bother to mention that in the midst of the torrential rain, she got into the pool and WON THE GIRLS' 8-AND-UNDER BUTTERFLY FINALS.  That, to me, seemed like the highlight of the meet for her, but I guess she's just scarred by the rain.

I asked her about this, in fact:

ME: Madeleine, how come you didn't write about winning the butterfly?
MADELEINE: Because it's called "A Day in the Rain at A's."

Oh, so I guess it can only be about the rain and not about any of the actual swimming events that took place in the rain.

At any rate, I give A's to "A Day in the Rain at A's!"  Bravo, Madeleine!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

In Which the Girls Do Not Know How to Handle a Crisis

Yesterday, I enjoyed the lovely experience of puncturing my hand with a flat-top screwdriver while I attempted to open the back of my car key fob to replace the battery.  The screwdriver slipped, shot straight into my hand, and next thing I knew, blood was gushing all over my fingers.  I ran to the bathroom to run it under the sink and shouted downstairs to the girls, hoping one of them could get me a paper towel to compress the wound with.

ME: Girls!  I need some help!
GIRLS: (silence)
GIRLS: (shouting from downstairs) What?

The girls started on their way upstairs when the sensation of the water pressure on my fresh and deep wound hit me.  I let out a shriek of pain, which sent the girls into panic.  They were falling over each other running to the bathroom screaming hysterically.

GIRLS: WHAT'S WRONG?  (seeing my bloody hand) MOMMY!!!!  MOMMY!!!!
ME: I just need a paper towel.
MADELEINE: (running off and returning with the whole roll, which I subsequently got bloody as I took hold of it to rip a piece off)
GIRLS: MOMMY!  Are you DYING?  Mommy's DYING!
ME: I just need to put pressure on my wound.
JULIA: I'm calling Daddy!
ME: No, don't call-
ME: I have to put pressure first-
ME:  There's nothing Daddy can do from-
ME: I don't know what calling Daddy is going to do-
JULIA: (running into her room to get her phone) He's not ANSWERING!  Can I call Auntie Shannon?
ME: No!  Girls.  Listen.  What I really need is for you just to sit with me for a few minutes so I can make sure the bleeding stops.
ME: Just let me get the bleeding to stop.  Listen.  Julia, if for some reason I pass out, you know to call 911 on your cell phone, right?
JULIA: (looking panicked) YOU'RE GONNA FAINT?!?
ME: I don't think I'm going to.  But just so you'd know what to do.
JULIA: What if the bleeding doesn't stop?
ME: Then I'd go to the hospital.
GIRLS: (erupting into a mayhem of shrieking and sobbing)

At this point, Madeleine decided to run get me several boxes Band-Aid, and completely face-planted in the hallway, leading to Julia nearly toppling over her on her way back from texting Ethan.  When I found out what she had texted, I was NOT HAPPY.  And this is how I found out.

Ten minutes later:

ME: Okay, girls, you can go back to watching your show.  The bleeding has slowed way down.  I'm okay.
MADELEINE: But what if you DIE?!?
ME: I'm not going to. Julia, why don't you text Daddy to say ignore your missed call?
JULIA: I already texted him.
ME: What did you text?
JULIA: I said Mommy's gonna pass out and she's going to the hospital.

Julia didn't overreact AT ALL.

By the way, my hand is wounded but under control, so the panic is over.  But CLEARLY the girls need to work on their crisis-management skills, OMG.  When you're the one gushing blood but you wind up having to get everybody else calmed down, you know something is not working!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Madeleine's (Re-Kindled) Obsession

Can you tell what Madeleine is back to being obsessed about ever since Julia's birthday party?

I don't think the missing mermaid picked a very good hiding place.  I can totally see her.

This one is about Ariel's daughter.  Or, should I say, the littlest mermaid is the daughter of the little mermaid.

YEAH!  Friendship power!

I call this one Two and a Half Mermaids.

Do you think that torso-less tail belongs to the incomplete mermaid in the picture above this one?

Not only is Madeleine drawing mermaids left and right, but she's back to sleeping with her legs in her mermaid blanket, despite the fact that she's overheating some nights.  A mermaid has to suffer for her beauty, folks.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


MADELEINE: Mommy, I have a joke for you!  What do you call a maid who loves butterflies?
ME: Uh...I have NO idea.
MADELEINE: A mermaid!
ME: Umm...oh!  I get it.  Because of butterfly the swim stroke?
MADELEINE: (proudly beaming) Yes!
JULIA: Oh.  I thought the answer was "buttmaids."


Friday, November 23, 2018

Family Movie Night

Last night, after Thanksgiving dinner, we Rowes watched a movie in the Rowe parents' bedroom.  The girls got all snuggly and cozy:

We settled in to watch "Legally Blonde," which they had never seen.  I figured Madeleine would love it, seeing as she's obsessed with the movie "Clueless," and "Legally Blonde" has a very similar premise (ditzy chic protagonist realizes she actually has potential and taps into her inner smarts, winning the heart of the older, academically-inclined man in the end.)  However, I didn't anticipate Madeleine would have as much trouble following this movie as she did.  Julia seemed to totally get the whole thing, while Madeleine seemed at times as if she had somehow been watching the scenes out of order.

Some examples of this viewing experience:

1.) After Brooke, the defendant that protagonist Elle Woods is representing, appears in several jail AND trial scenes, this same defendant then walks into the courtroom on the umpteenth day of trial.

MADELEINE: Wait.  Who's that BLONDE lady?
ME: Honey, that's Brooke.  Remember she's on trial for murder?

2.) When Elle Wood's air-headed fashionista friends from LA come to Boston to see Elle in trial, several courtroom faux pas occur, which sparked laughter from Ethan, Julia and I.

MADELEINE: (in response to everything we laughed at) Huh?  Wait.  What happened?

3.) After lawyer/love-interest Emmett encourages Elle to question the daughter of the murdered victim on her own, Elle manages to catch the daughter in a lie, leading to the daughter blurting out that she, not Brooke, had in fact killed her father.

COURTROOM ON TV: (erupting into gasps and cheers)
MADELEINE: Wait.  What happened??
ME: Elle won the trial.
MADELEINE: Huh?  Wait.  How?  I don't get it.

4.) In the final scene of the movie, captions appear over each character's close-up, divulging what is in store in the near future.  In a close-up of Elle's former jerk of a boyfriend, Warner, we discover that he is graduating law school without honors, without a girlfriend, and without a job.  A close-up of Warner's ex-fiancee Vivian comes with a caption saying that Vivian dumped Warner and is now best friends with Elle.  Then comes a close-up of the lawyer Emmett, with a caption stating that he started his own law firm and has been dating Elle for two years, and is planning to propose that evening.


Okay.  Seriously? 

ME: Honey, remember?  He's the guy that gave Elle advice about law school in the beginning, and he was the only one to believe in her at the trial?
MADELEINE: But I didn't ever hear them say that guy's name.
JULIA: Madeleine, they just showed a PICTURE of him!
MADELEINE: Yeah, but, there were TWO guys in the picture.

It is true that in the close-up of Emmett (Luke Wilson), you can see an older man sitting next to him in the audience of Elle's graduation.  However, one would assume that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce -- even without remembering Emmett's name -- that the person the caption was referring to was the one who was a MAJOR CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE and not the rando getting a cameo sitting next to him.

Anyway, I guess "Legally Blonde" was not the same level of greatness as "Clueless" for Madeleine, but Julia at least enjoyed it!

Signing off with a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my TWELVE-YEAR-OLD!!! Love you, Julia!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Julia Takes a Bath

In which Julia struggles to do simple things like taking a bath:

JULIA: Mommy?  After you shower, can I try out my new bath bombs that I got from my birthday party?
ME: Sure. (taking my shower, then setting the faucet to the bath setting) Okay.  I put the faucet on the tub setting.
JULIA: Okay.  Mommy?  How do I get the bath bombs out? (carrying the package to me)
ME: I think you need to cut it.  Go get some scissors.
JULIA: (re-emerging with scissors) Now what?
ME: Now cut it and see if you can get it out.
JULIA: (attempting one scissor cut) Nope.
ME: Okay.  Give it to me.  (cutting through the packaging and taking out the bath bomb, which was in its own plastic packaging) Open this over the tub, so it doesn't get everywhere.
JULIA: Okay.  Wait.  Mommy?  Can you help me turn on the tub?
ME: I already put it on the bath setting.  Just turn the water on.  Start with hot, feel it with your hand, and add a little cold if it feels too hot.
JULIA: But can you turn it on for me?
ME: You just turn the handle on the faucet.
ME: There's only one way. 
JULIA: How do I know what the right way is?
ME: If you turn the handle and it moves and water comes out, it's the right way.  If you try to turn it and it won't budge, then it's the wrong way.
JULIA: Okay (moving the handle) I did it!!
ME: Great.  I knew you could do it.
JULIA: Mommy?  How high should I fill it?
ME: Well, we don't want it to overflow, so don't fill it up to the edge.
JULIA: So, like, halfway?
ME: Sounds perfect.
JULIA: Wait. Mommy?  How do I get the bath bomb out?
ME: Just pull the packaging apart.
JULIA: But I don't know how.
ME: Pull on it.
JULIA: I tried that already!
ME: Okay.  I'll help you, but then I really need to make a pumpkin pie!
JULIA: Okay.  Sorry!  (holding on to one end of the packaging while I pulled and got the top part open)
ME: Okay, there you go. Drop it in the bath and hop in when it's halfway full.
JULIA: Okay!

About ten minutes later:

JULIA: Mommy?  How much LONGER will it take to fill up?  It's taking FOREVER!
ME: Let me see (leaving my pie crust dough to go look) That looks good.  It will rise higher when your body weight is in it.  Go ahead and take your bath.
JULIA: Okay.

About 30 seconds later:

JULIA: Mommy!  I wasted the WHOLE THING because I didn't put the drain thing in and all the water drained out!
ME: You didn't plug the drain?
JULIA: No!  I didn't know I was SUPPOSED to!
ME: Okay, well put the stopper in and fill it back up.  You can just get in now so you can use what's left of the water.
JULIA: But the whole bath bomb dissolved and went down the drain!
ME: Okay.
JULIA: Can I start again with a different bath bomb?
ME: Yes.

About five minutes later:

JULIA: Mommy!  Do I put the drain thing in and then take it out?
ME: What?
JULIA: Like, do I keep the drain thing out right now or put it in?
ME: (going into the bathroom) Honey.  (putting the stopper into the tub)
JULIA: Well, I didn't KNOW I was supposed to have that IN THERE!  I haven't taken a bath in a REALLY LONG TIME!

Common sense is sometimes not her forte.

By the time Julia actually got her bath going, we had run out of hot water, which also meant that as I tried to do the dishes from my baking, I was stuck with lukewarm sink water.  However, the second bath bomb did not go to waste, as Julia plunged on in to the non-hot water and bathed anyway, so I guess the second time was (sort of) the charm!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Whirlwind Weekend

The Rowe girls (and their parents) had a busy weekend, starting with a swim meet on Saturday:

Julia went into the meet convinced that she was going to swim poorly, and instead, she swam a New England qualifying time in the 50 butterfly and took a whopping six seconds off her 100 freestyle.  Finally happy with her results, she was buoyant after the race, and undoubtedly spent time galloping later that evening thinking about what events Lilly Mintz qualified for New Englands in.

Madeleine also swam the 50 butterfly and the 100 freestyle, and she happened to be in the lane I was timing for her 100 free.  This was the first time Madeleine had ever swam that particular event, and I could not emphasize enough that she was going to be swimming a 100.

ME: So Madeleine.  This is a one hundred.  That means you're going to swim four laps.
ME: So you don't stop after two laps like in the fifty.  Four laps.  Down, flip turn, back, flip turn, down AGAIN, flip turn, and back.

I was kind of shocked that she actually swam it without incident, and even qualified for District Championships.  After all, this is the kid who, on Monday at a Harvard swim clinic, did this:

COACH: Okay, we're going to do open turns now.  So swim butterfly or breast stroke to the wall and show me your open turn.
SEVERAL KIDS IN FRONT OF MADELEINE: (swimming fly or breast to the wall and doing an open turn)
MADELEINE: (obliviously swimming freestyle to the wall and doing a flip turn)
COACH: Madeleine, that was a beautiful freestyle flip turn, but we're doing OPEN TURNS right now.
MADELEINE: (looking as if hearing this for the first time)

Happily, she pulled it off, and managed to win her 50 butterfly to boot.

Sunday was an even busier day.  After church in the morning, we Rowes headed to one of our town's elementary schools to see a production of "The Little Mermaid" onstage, performed by our town's Community Theater.  There we met a bunch of Julia's friends, who we were treating to the show, as part of Julia's birthday party celebration:

I was worried the show might be a little too juvenile for a bunch of middle schoolers, but instead, the girls enjoyed it, and it turned out to be a little too adult for Madeleine.

URSULA: (singing the word "damn" in one of her songs)
MADELEINE: (gasping and turning to me) I think she SWEARED!
ME: Yeah, I think she did.
URSULA: (singing the word "hell" in another song)
MADELEINE: (gasping) Mommy!  I think she sweared AGAIN!

Swearing aside, Madeleine delighted in all aspects of the show, keeping a whispered running commentary going on which singers she liked, which she didn't, which songs were her favorite, and which special and added effects were most exciting.

MADELEINE: Mommy!  Bubbles!


MADELEINE: (covering her ears) That was LOUD!


MADELEINE: Mommy!  I think I've seen that guy who plays Prince Eric before.  I think he might play Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter!"

I don't know, suburban community theater might be kind of small potatoes for a European movie actor.

Madeleine also shared her critique of the singers after the show had ended.

MADELEINE: They all had too much BRATO.  I don't like brato.  It sounded like they were trying way too hard to sing with so much brato.
JULIA, ETHAN, AND I: It's called "vibrato."

Upon leaving the performance, we all headed back to the Rowe household for pizza and cake to celebrate Julia's upcoming birthday:

And immediately after scarfing down all that food, we said good-bye to Julia's friends and headed over to the Y for the Lap-a-thon!  There was only 1/2 hour left in the event, so I told my girls to just swim as many laps as they could in that time and it would be good enough.  Julia whipped out 78 and Madeleine 62, so we were able to head home knowing we'd raised some money for the Y and gotten in a quick workout.  Of course, the girls were jonesing for more cake once we got home, and, well, since it was kind of a special day, I let them go for it.

Looking forward to some down time as we head into Thanksgiving, after the whirlwind of a weekend we had!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Locker Room Talk

In the Y locker room after swim team practice:

MADELEINE: (pointing to the sign that said "Pool" with Braille underneath it) Mommy?  How do people ever learn to READ sign-language?

Um, wrong disability, honey.

Also in the Y locker room after swim team practice:

MADELEINE: (from her shower) So Mommy.  I made up a NEW dance to "Crocadilly Oh My."  Watch! 

At which point I had to peek my head around the shower curtain to watch her dancing buck naked while singing the words to the hand-clapping song.  She was determined to show me the REAL DEAL though, and re-staged the performance for me once we were home:

That was amazing.  If only there were a sign language version of it.

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Cow Goes Moo

Madeleine's made-up song while she played with Lego Friends (interrupted by spilling her yogurt on the dining room floor and needing to wipe it up.)  It starts off with the plaintive air of a southern spiritual:

But becomes decidedly more upbeat as the Lego play session carries on:

Whether it was the relief of having cleaned up the yogurt, or just the inherent nature of where the song wanted to go, the uptempo shift completely took over.  I'm feeling pretty upbeat myself, listening to it.  Everything really IS better when the cow goes moo!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Food Woes

My RIDONCULOUSLY picky children, when it comes to eating perfectly normal things:

JULIA: (in the car on the way home from chorus) Mommy?  I'm STARVING.
ME: Okay, well I'm gonna feed you dinner at five tonight because you have swim at 6.
JULIA: But it's 4:23!
ME: Right, so you don't have to wait long.
JULIA: But I'm SOOOO hungry!
ME: Okay, well, you can wash off some blueberries when we get home and have those as a snack.
JULIA: But they're all SHRIVELED UP.
ME: I just bought them yesterday. 
JULIA: Yeah, but they're shriveled.
ME: They're brand new.  They're fresh.
JULIA: No they're not. They shrivel up in ONE DAY!

But...they really don't.  If she wants to see shriveled, I'll show her the next container of blueberries that gets pushed to the back of the fridge and I find it months later and realize I forgot all about it.

MADELEINE: (carrying up her dinner plate, empty except for one detested zucchini and one - usually beloved - pepper to the sink)
ME: Wait.  What's wrong with this pepper?  (forking the pepper to hold out to her as she scampered into her room and shut the door to hide from it)
MADELEINE: It has (inaudible) on it.
ME: It has WHAT on it?
MADELEINE: Frankenstein marks.

The kids are on to me.  I'm totally carrying out creepy food experiments by rapidly shriveling my blueberries and making our peppers into monstrous necrotic creatures.  Good thing they were too smart to be fooled into eating those horrid items.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Bedtime Snuggles

This evening's bedtime snuggle conversation:

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Do you ever feel like your mouth needs to PRONOUNCE things?
ME: Uh...yeah...?
MADELEINE: Like: (clicking her tongue) That's usually the one for me. just don't even have anything to say about that.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

New Drawing

Madeleine's latest drawing:

You get the choice of New York gals.  You can get the Summer gal, or opt for the Special! Christmas gal, who is seemingly so special that she does not have arms, hands, or a mouth!