Friday, February 26, 2010

Obama meeting with the Disney princesses

So last night Ethan and I had NPR on while Julia was cleaning up her toys before bed. We were listening to the special report on Obama's health-care summit. As Julia was putting away pieces of her puzzle, she appeared to be listening pretty intently to the report, and had the following questions/comments: "Mom, what does dot org mean?" (That one was tough to explain to a 3-year-old.) "Mom, what does consequence mean?" (Much easier.) "Mom, they said Obama had a meeting, just like I have meeting time at school!" Just as I was sitting there marveling at how smart she is, and what good attention to detail she has, she then reported, "Mom, they just said Cinderella on the radio. They're talking about Cinderella, like the princess in my movie." I must have given her a skeptical look, because she then clarified, "I guess they must be talking about a different Cinderella." Aaah, yes, indeed. I must say, Cinderella would have probably had an easier time of things if she had met with President Obama and pushed for fair wages, affordable housing, and what not, rather than just waiting for a magical fairy godmother to make her a sparkling dress so she could win the heart of Prince Charming.


  1. I was watching the meeting on the tv and Nate kept saying, "I don't understand WHAT they are talking about!"

  2. Perhaps Julia can clear it up for him. They were talking about Cinderella.
