Monday, August 5, 2013

And the Craze Continues...

Can you guess what the main topic of interest has been around the house today?

Here's a hint to help you figure it out:

In other words, the topic has not budged from last week's topic of interest.

On the back side of this hugely informative piece of paper, Julia listed a lesser known character, whose name very closely resembles that of our protagonist:

Harry Pott

(I'm guessing that, in a rare Madeleine-like fit of perfectionism, Julia judged her second bubble-letter "t" to be unacceptable, and decided to start over on the other side of the paper.)

Today, as the girls sat down to watch "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" for the umpteenth time, Julia suddenly had an issue with the logistics of Voldemort's attempted return.

JULIA: Mama.  How can Voldemort come back to life, if, like, he only has a face, and he doesn't have a heart that's beating.  Because, like, don't you NEED to have a heart beating in order to BE ALIVE?
ME: Uh...I guess it's just magic or something.
MADELEINE: (piping up from behind the couch, where she was watching the movie while standing in the dress-up bin, wearing a witch hat) Julia, it's just SPECIAL AFFECTIONS.

It's true that today's movies are able to create some incredibly realistic special affections.  That MUST be why Voldemort is able to come to life even without a heart.

Meanwhile, both girls have been afraid of the scene in which Professor Quirrel removes his turban to expose the face of Voldemort on the back of his head, and have taken to averting their eyes during the big reveal.  Until yesterday, that is.

(During today's viewing of above-mentioned scene)

ME: Don't be scared, honey.  You know Voldemort is going to be defeated.
JULIA: Well, I was scared until I decided to just FACE MY FEARS yesterday and WATCH this part.  

Although Madeleine isn't nearly as obsessively in love with the Harry Potter story as is Julia, she has still absorbed the general characters and plot-line through her repeated movie viewings.  She has taken to randomly parroting lines from the movie, complete with British accent, at various points throughout the day.

Here she is, on video, reciting some of her favorite dialogue:

And just for the record, there are NO special affections in the above video.  This was a very low-budget production.


  1. I'm really impressed by Madeleine's british accent!!!

    1. Me too!!! No wonder she was so excited to tell it to Daddy that she flew through the air and down the stairs!
