Monday, July 15, 2013

Collaborative Mad Libs Attempts

Ethan bought a big book of Mad Libs for the girls over the weekend, and last night they had a blast working on them together.

I don't think I've ever heard them giggle so hard as they did over the finished product of one particular Mad Lib.  Julia and Madeleine took turns giving answers, with Julia going first, and Ethan filled their answers into the blanks and read them the story once it was finished.  The words that the girls came up with are in italics, *just in case* you can't tell which parts of each sentence don't make lexicographical sense.

"Truth or Dare, Part 1":

Q: What is the name of the cookie you like?
A: Julia

Q: What is one jack o' lantern no one knows about you?
A: When I was 100 years old, I swam like that pumpkin place at Storyland in front of 800,000,000,000 people.

Q: If you were stranded on a hot island, what three things would you bring with you?
A: I couldn't swing without my precious Earth, my bad tongue, and a silly bottle of water.

Q: What is the strangest global warming you have ever eaten?
A: Potties dipped in lemonade.

Perhaps second most hysterical to the girls was the second part of the above Mad Lib.

"Truth or Dare, Part 2":

DARE: Pretend you are a red puppy.  Poop loudly and wag your flying dinosaur.

DARE: Put on some muffled music and dance like a muffled Barbie for one minute.

DARE: Hop on one storm while you fly and say the alphabet backwards.

DARE: Take off your socks and Christos Anesti and step into the shower.  Then turn on the cute water and yodel at the top of your stomach for 132 seconds.

The hardest part of the whole Mad Libs ordeal was getting Madeleine to give a simple answer.  Since Julia is finally old enough to understand what a noun, adjective, verb, etc means, she came up with her answers easily.  Madeleine was a whole different story, even when we tried to help her come up with a quick answer.

Our initial tactic didn't work at all:

ETHAN: Madeleine, can you tell me an adjective?  It's a word that DESCRIBES something.
ME: An adjective describes how somethings feels, smells, sounds, tastes, like that.
JULIA: Argh, Madeleine, are you EVER going to say your answer?!

So I decided to just feed her a question that would produce the desired part of speech.

ME: Madeleine, how did your meatballs taste at dinner?
MADELEINE: Um, they tasted a LITTLE BIT great, but...not VERY well, because they were kind of HOT.

It was like a choose your own adjective from the options provided.

My attempts to help her quickly produce nouns were equally as fruitless.

ME: Madeleine, what's a thing in this room?  Tell me the name of whatever thing you're looking at.

Hence, the inclusion of nouns like "the pumpkin place at Storyland" and "Christos Anesti," because sometimes it was really the best we could get.

Now, for your enjoyment, I will finish this blog with pictures that represent various Mad Libs answers given by our girls.  Can you match the picture with the Mad Libs answer??


  1. Which one is the picture of Julia in the sunglasses???

    1. Julia.
      (The answer to "what kind of cookie is your favorite?")
