Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oh. Hi.

Last night, the girls decided to get all wild and crazy in the living room and play a game they usually reserve for the bath.  I'm going to call this game, for lack of a better title, "Oh. Hi."  (You will soon see why.)  In the bath, this game, which was created by Julia, is carried out by one girl or the other dumping a cupful of water over her head so that her hair is covering her face.  Then, looking up at her sister through the hair over her eyes, she says, "Oh. Hi," eliciting giggles from both parties.  Apparently it wasn't enough to constrict this game to the bathtub.  Following their evening bath, Madeleine and Julia continued to carry out this game on dry land:

As if that wasn't enough video nonsense, this morning, as Madeleine sat at the table eating her snack, she suddenly asked me to take a video of her "doing this."  Before I knew it, Julia was shoving herself into the screen as well, and this impromptu video was born:

I just...have no words.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. First of all - I have no words for the "oh, hi" video Courtney. What weirdos.

    And the second video...i yie yie. The shaking my body part might be my favorite.
