Friday, September 28, 2012

Morning Creativity, and Survey Questions

Julia was in a goofy mood from the get-go this morning, going upstairs to change into her outfit and coming down like this:

I guess wearing her pants on her head and her socks on her hands inspired her towards creativity this morning, as she embarked upon an art project soon after finishing her breakfast.  Behold, her hand-made stick puppet:

(Her name is Agamarie, in case anyone wants to know.)

Madeleine, of course, immediately wanted in on the art project as well.  It wasn't long before she was hard at work at her own puppet:

(Her name, according to Madeleine, is Mirenda.)

Now, to completely shift gears, I was browsing through my facebook notes earlier this afternoon, and came across a document entitled "Julia says...."  The body of this document consisted of a survey for children about their moms, and I had asked Julia the survey questions when she was about 3, and had recorded her answers.  Taking this trip down memory lane inspired me to pose the same set of questions to Madeleine, and to also re-ask them of a now nearly 6-year-old Julia.  The answers I was given prove that a) Madeleine seems to be just as weird as her big sister, and b) even at almost 6, Julia is still capable of producing some extremely random and amusing answers to this survey.  Below, the questions, as well as the current-day answers from both kids.

1. What is something mom always says to you?
M: Um...I'll have to THINK.
J: Mmmm...that you need to sing?

2. What makes mom happy?
M: You get happy when I'm a good listener.
J: If you're nice and you give her hugs and kisses.

3. What makes mom sad?
M: From, um, not being a good listener and not being a good listener POOPING.
J: When you're not nice and you DON'T give Mommy hugs and kisses.

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
M: When Daddy tells you a goofy things when he DOOS THIS with sticking his tongue out: "BLA BLA BLA BLA BLAAAAAH."  That's when you laugh when you're sticking your tongue out like this.  "BLA BLA BLA BLA BLAAAAAAAAH."  That's when you ALWAYS STICK YOUR TONGUE OUT.  When I laugh.  Oh!  When YOU laugh.
J: By being funny!

5. What was your mom like as a child?
M: Um, I don't know.  I'll have to THINK.  You were a little kid.
J: Mmm...two girls named JULIA and MADELEINE.  NOOOOO!  Like, you always wanted to sing, and you loved dressing up and going to church... Mama, I thought you said what did your mom LIKE for a child.

6. How old is your mom?
M: Three.  Um... FOUR.
J: Thirty-four.

7. How tall is your mom?
M: Um...than DADDY.  (Standing up on a chair)  How tall than I AM?  You, and Daddy, and Julia!
J:, five or six feet tall?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
M: love to do this!  (sticking out her tongue) BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA-BLAAAAAH!
J: take naps.  To have snuggles.

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
M: Um, you um...LIKE ME!  Noooo! pick me up at school!
J: Um, probably play the piano and read books.

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
M: You will get famous at ME.
J: Singing!

11. What is your mom really good at?
M: Uh...You're good at...singing?
J: Uh...sleeping!  And singing.

12. What is your mom not very good at?
M:'re not good at STINKY JOBS. do a bad job at CLEANING UP.
J: Crying.  You just don't cry a lot.

13. What does your mom do for her job?
M: You piano lessons at work.
J: (singing) Doo-dooo-dooo (wiggling fingers) Being a music teacher.

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
M: You like...uh...sandwiches?
(No, Madeleine.  While I have no problem with sandwiches, I am no Joey Tribbiani.)
J: Meatballs!
(Meatballs are fine.  But they're definitely not my favorite food.)

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
M: Um, um, good at, good that I was saying to you: "Mommy, I'm so proud that you're a good SINGING!"  That the what I'm proud of!
J: Mmm...if you run a race and you WIN!

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
M: about MOMMY!
J: Mmm...Maybe, ummmm...maybe...maybe...probably, like, um, Fluttershy.

17. What do you and your mom do together?
M: Um, we like to stick our tongues out like this: BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLAAAAAH!
J: We walk home from school together.

18. How are you and your mom the same?
M: Um, we like to stick our tongues out like this: BLAH!
J: We both have two eyes, we both have one nose, we both have lips.
(Yes, as do ALL HUMAN BEINGS.)

19. How are you and your mom different?
M: Um...of glass or FLOWERS?
(I...just...have no idea.)
J: have more moles than I do.

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
M: this (wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.)
J: Because you give me hugs, you give me kisses, and you look LOVINGLY when you reeeally want me to hug you.

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
M: Um...the movie theater?
J: maybe to a restaurant you really like, like the Ethiopian place?

What can I say?  Do they know their mother like the back of their hands, or what?


  1. Yes, I think I know, you are a singing, sleeping snuggly Mom with moles who likes to play the piano, read books and be a music teacher who eats meatballs and sandwiches while sticking out your tongue and saying Bla bla blah. Good job girls! XOXO, Yiayia

  2. She looks so sexy in her cute little panties 😍. I'd love to pull them down and see and enjoy her sweet 🧁 lovely little pussy
