Monday, September 22, 2014


After attending a friend's party this weekend, Julia had some serious thoughts on birthday wishes.

JULIA: Mommy?  You know what my friend said at her party?  She said what she wishes for when she blows out her candle USUALLY COMES TRUE.
ME: Oh, really?
JULIA: Yeah.  But I don't know how that can happen.  What I wish for RARELY comes true.  But maybe that's because I wish for stuff that can't really HAPPEN.  Like Mom.  Last year my wish when I was blowing out my candle was that the characters from Harry Potter could be REAL.
ME: Oh.  Yeah.  Well, that's not something that could actually come true in real life.
JULIA: (thoughtful) Mom.  Maybe my wish THIS year should be to meet Emma Watson.
ME: Yeah, that's a good idea.
JULIA: Yeah.  Because...meeting Emma Watson is not LIKELY, but at least it's something that COULD really happen, unlike the Harry Potter characters coming to life!

Glad to know Julia is aiming for more achievable wishes this coming year. 

Speaking of things that can't be real, Madeleine and I recently had this discussion:

MADELEINE: Mama?  When we were at Santa's Village, did we see Santa?
ME: Um, no, I don't think we actually saw Santa.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  I didn't think so.  (silent, contemplative) And Mama?  Is the Santa that comes to our CHURCH whose lap we sit in NOT the real Santa?
ME: Right.  He's not the real Santa.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  I thought it was not the real Santa.  Because he didn't even LOOK fat.  And...he didn't even TALK like Santa.
ME: Yeah, it was just a volunteer, not the real Santa.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Because Mama.  Santa talks more like this: (affecting a deep voice) "Ho, ho, hooooo!"
ME: Right.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  So that's how come I knew it wasn't the REAL Santa.

I like the fact that Madeleine is the expert on what the REAL Santa looks and talks like.  Madeleine has always been one to completely talk out of her butt on subjects about which she actually knows nothing.

Maybe she just needs to WISH that Santa would become real as she blows out the candle at her upcoming birthday party.  Or she could at least wish that she'll get to MEET one of the many, many people who play Santa at Christmas time.

1 comment:

  1. Hang onto that dream Julia! I still haven't given up on Mom becoming the Hanson's nanny and my being able to marry one of them!
