Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Another Julia Book

Julia has taken a little break from her Ju-Sa-Lil chapter books in order to write some shorter, non-chapter stories.  Today's was a real winner:

Ophela Kreiger
Julia Rowe

JULIA: Mom?  Do you think people would get MIXED-UP and think that "JULIA ROWE" is the name of the book and it's written BY Ophelia Kreiger?

"Ophela Kreiger was a kind girl.  She loved picking flowers.  'Mummy, um, where are we going for vacaichon, or are we staying here?' Ophela asket.  'We're staying here, and you'll have swiming lessons,' said Mrs. Kreiger."

Wow.  For such wide, square hips, Mrs. Kreiger has some awfully scrawny chicken legs.  It must be hard finding a pants size that fits her properly.

"Swiming lessons!' exclaimed Ophela.  "I allready know how to swim!' she said.  But she went."

Don't worry, Ophela.  Julia also allready knows how to swim, and in fact, she's a really GOOD swimer, but she still goes to swiming lessons too.

"Ophela dicided she loved swiming lessons and wanted to go again next year."

Good dicision, Ophela!

"Oh Mumsy, I just love swiming,' Ophela said.  'You are still takeing them,' said Mrs. Kreiger.

I'm not really sure how Mrs. Kreiger could be missing the point here.  There's nothing to debate here, Mumsy.  Ophela loves swiming, so of course she wants to continue takeing swiming lessons.  Good thing Mrs. Kreiger has Ophela to set her straight.

"Ophela look't at her mother with a big, brown eye.  And said..."

(Julia was SO proud of this picture.  She made me hide my eyes until she was done drawing it so that she could triumphantly present it to me.)

But I digress.  A-hem.  "And said...":
"Mum, I'm going to do swiming forever!"

Hooray!  Swiming forever!  What a happy ending for all involved!

Julia, herself, has been loveing swiming lessons, particularly because she gets to dive off the diving board at each lesson. So I think that she, like Ophela Kreiger, plans to do swiming forever!