Friday, January 13, 2012

Quotes, Quotes, and More Quotes

The kids have had so many wacky things to say over the past few days, I'm not even sure where to start...

While watching "Max & Ruby:"
JULIA: Mom, wouldn't it be funny if in one of the episodes Max was older than Ruby?
ME: That WOULD be funny.
JULIA: But, wait, Mom? If the little brother grows taller than his big sister, does he become the older one?
ME: No, even if he's taller he would still be younger.
ME: Well, how tall you turn out to be has nothing to do with how old you are.
JULIA: (silent, bewildered.)

I wonder if this means she thinks Auntie Caitlyn is the oldest sister in my family?

While Madeleine sits on the potty, Julia comes into the bathroom to ponder the future with me:
JULIA: Mama, wouldn't it be funny if when Madeleine grows up she has FIVE babies?
ME: Yes, and then I would have five grandchildren! When you and Madeleine have kids, I'll become a grandmother.
JULIA: Well, Mama, do you remember how the plan is that I'm going to marry Wyatt and have FOUR kids?
ME: Yes.
JULIA: Well, how many would THAT be?
ME: That would be nine grandchildren.
JULIA: Yeah, that's how many.
ME: Are two of your kids going to be named May and Elina?
JULIA: They're going to be named: May, Elina... (thinking quickly) uh, Maddy, and Julie.

I can't imagine where she got the idea for those last two names.

While putting Madeleine to bed last night:

ME: (finishing up her snuggle and putting my glasses back on) Good-night, sweetheart.
MADELEINE: (fixated on my glasses) Mommy? Can you put your EYES back on?
ME: You mean you want me to take off my glasses?
MADELEINE: (solemn) Yes.

In the car, driving to pick Julia up from school today:
MADELEINE: (holding out her Polly Pocket) Mommy? Can you take off her dress?
ME: No, I can't, honey, I'm driving.
MADELEINE: Mommy? I need her DRESS off! Can you take off her dress?
ME: No, sweetie, I can't do it right now.
MADELEINE: Of COURSE you can, Mommy!

Duh. Silly me. Of COURSE I should be turning around while driving, trying to grasp the Polly Pocket out of her hand and take its sparkly white dress off. I should have known better. Good thing I had Madeleine there to set me straight.

Madeleine engages in pretend play:
MADELEINE: (playing with Unicornio, née Philippe) Oh no! I see a DRAGON over there! Don't worry. Unicornio will go get him. (turning to me) Mommy! I see a DRAGON over there! (pointing at the invisible dragon.)
ME: Oh, no! I'm so scared! Will you protect me?
MADELEINE: (pausing) Oooookaaaaay. (trotting off to the living room.)
ME: Where are you going?
MADELEINE: I'm going to get a blanket, so I can protect you. (Bringing me a baby blanket, placing it on my lap, and patting my lap.) There you go. I PROTECT you!

Phew. All safe. Good job, Madeleine.

While changing Madeleine into pj's and a pull-up for bed:
ME: Whew! You need a bath! You've got a stinky bum. That is PUNGENT.
ME: Here, let me do something to make you smell a little better (sprinkling baby powder in her diaper area)
MADELEINE: Yeah, that's PUNGENT! But Mommy, you just put some marshmallows on my bum for me.

Yup. That's EXACTLY what I did.

And finally...

Julia changes into a dress-up outfit:

JULIA: Mama, I know exactly what I look like. I look like Cinderella when she's in her WORKING clothes.

Or... more like a ladybug with a scarf on... but maybe that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, from wanting to rewrite Rosemary Wells successful series by having Max be older to making marriage and baby plans (hopefully, the marriage will happen first). Then onto trying to convert you into being "supermom" while driving only to find out that Madeleine's the action heroine in town who carries the secret marshmallows in her bum,(I guess that's why you need a blanket and she does not)to Julia's ending fashion statement! Never a dull moment, eh? Here is a link for girls to enjoy if they'd like Love, Yiayia
