Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crack of Dawn

After getting to bed well past midnight last night, thanks in part my overstimulated brain following a late-night chorus rehearsal, I was truly hoping the kids would sleep at least until 7 this morning. In fact, Julia knows that if she wakes up before 7, she should play in her room because it's too early to get up. Unfortunately, lately she has opted to "snuggle" me in my bedroom, eagerly awaiting 7am, instead. This morning, as I heard her footsteps on the stairs around 6:30, I knew there was no hope of getting any more sleep.

JULIA: (opening my bedroom door)
ME: (silent, hoping she'd think I was asleep and leave)
JULIA: (whispering) Mama?
ME: Mmm?
JULIA: (whispering) Can I snuggle you?
ME: Mmm.

So she climbed into my bed, wrapped her arm around me, then proceeded to wiggle and bounce around next to me.

JULIA: (whispering) Mom?
ME: Mmm?
JULIA: Next time you go to Sudbury Farms, I know what we need to buy. We need to get more Band-aids, because I used the last one yesterday.
ME: Mmm.
JULIA: (whispering) Mama?
ME: Hmm?
JULIA: I told Ilana that I love mac 'n cheese, and she said I do too. Then I told her that I had mac 'n cheese for dinner, and she said I did too.
ME: Mmm.
JULIA: Mama? Doesn't it look SO pretty out the window?
ME: Mmm. What time is it?
JULIA: I'll check. (going over to the clock on the cable box, then returning to the bed.) Mama? We STILL have some snuggle time. Aren't you SO glad?
ME: Mmm.
JULIA: (after several minutes) I'm gonna check if it's seven yet.
ME: Mmmokay.
JULIA: (getting out of bed to check, then coming back.)
ME: I hear Madeleine crying.
JULIA: You should go tell her it's not time to get up yet.
ME: Mmm.
JULIA: Mama? I just ADORE you!
ME: I just adore you too.
JULIA: (petting my hair)
ME: I'm tired.
JULIA: Mama, I'm SO tired, I could just fall asleep on your bed! (silent, thoughtful.) Even though I have a lot of things to say.
ME: Me too.
JULIA: When, oh when, is it going to be seven?
ME: Do you want to just get up?
JULIA: (smile spreading across her face, nodding)

Of course, Madeleine was also awake, which was no surprise since she'd been letting out intermittent wails from her crib. Can anyone guess what she asked for as soon as I lifted her out of her crib?

MADELEINE: I want to watch Dora. I want DORA PRINCESS!


  1. Oh this whole post just kind of melted my heart. Even though I know just that feeling of being SO exhausted and just wanting to sleep and having to face the reality of knowing that you're just not going to get it.

    Did we ever figure out what the heck Dora Princess is? Is there a picture in that painting book that has a princess picture and maybe she's thinking of that?

  2. Oh,I think I've seen how Dora saves the Snow Princess. Here is a link to a clip. Love all my girl a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. XOXO, Love, Yiayia

  3. Oh, I forgot to say how sweet Julia's words were. You're a fabulous Mom so no wonder she adores you!!! I do too! Love, Mom
