Thursday, September 2, 2010

Julia peruses old photos

Julia recently asked to look at an old photo album from my junior year of college, and she had some really astute things to say about the following pictures:

ME: Julia, do you know who this is in the picture?
JULIA: Auntie Caitlyn, and Mike!

JULIA: Mom, and whose baptism is this?

(Pound signs in place - the best my photo editing software could offer - to protect the innocent; or in this case, high school friends of my sister who may not appreciate "blast from the past" pictures appearing on my blog.) I did explain to Julia that this was Auntie Shannon's graduation party, to which she demanded, "Then who were the cakes for?" I then had to explain that just because Madeleine had a sheet cake at her baptism party, it does not mean that any party involving a sheet cake is automatically a baptism.

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAH! Mike's gonna love that one!

    Courtney. She's SO STINKING ADORABLE!!
