Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Drama in Bethlehem

So Julia was just overheard playing with her manger people, who live in the freezer of her play kitchen. Here's a taste of what was going on:

MARY: Listen! I'll stay with Jesus.
THE QUEEN (who is really a Wise Man): Everybody, come in the castle! Drrrrr. Now your turn. Drrrrr.
ME: Julia, what's happening to the manger people when you make that sound?
JULIA: Oh, Drrr is coming up to the elevator, because there's mean guys and they keep killing everybody, but they're trying to rescue the ones who aren't killed. So they're in the elevator cup!
(And by "elevator cup" she means the blue cup to her play dishes, being used in this scenario as an elevator.)
THE QUEEN: Drrrr. There she is! (Spotting the Angel.) She's dead again! We have to rescue her before only her bones are left. We're coming!
ANGEL: Wait! Oh my gosh! It just got to bedtime!
MANGER FOLK: All right.
ANGEL: Well, bye guys.

After they bid adieu, the manger people laid back down in the freezer to go to sleep:

And the Wise Men went to sleep in the sink:

For those of you worrying about the fate of the poor Angel (although she did manage to talk even though she was dead, so how bad off can she be?), here is a happy update on how she's doing:

"They kissed her and she woke up. They had to kiss her like in Sleeping Beauty. The shepherds and the wise man, they all had to kiss her, but she couldn't kiss herself, because she was asleep! Yeah, they need a tetanus shot when they die, but only a kiss wakes them up."


  1. I think she's showing Ethan's influence already.

  2. I had a Julia and Julia pleased me. I fed my Julia under yonder tree. Julia went gallop, gallop and the cat went fiddly fee!

    Julia was lonely and bored of me, so I got a Madeleine and Madeline please me. I fed my Madeleine under yonder tree and she slapped her ball and stood on her feet; and the cat went fiddly fee.

    Love Yiayia

  3. Yia-yia, Julia's response was: "I wasn't bored of Yia-yia!"
