Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scaly Skin

Madeleine informed me of a big dilemma she was facing as I went into her bedroom to get her up this morning.

MADELEINE: Mommy, I'm trying to get the scaly skin off my cheek.
ME: Oh, really? Do you have mucus stuck to your cheek?
MADELEINE: No, I just have scaly skin on my cheek. Mommy? I'm just trying to get the scaly skin off my cheek.
ME: Okay, well let's go potty and then I can wipe your cheek.
MADELEINE: (sitting on the toilet, pointing to her cheeks, forehead, eyes, and chin) That's my cheeks, that's my head, that's my eyes, and that's my chin. But Mommy, I just have scaly skin on my cheeks.
ME: (trying to distract her from her scaly skin dilemma) Madeleine? Where are your eyebrows?
MADELEINE: (touching her eyelashes and wincing as she pokes herself in the eye)
ME: Those are not your eyebrows. THESE are your eyebrows! (brushing my finger over her brows.)
MADELEINE: Mommy? Where are your eyebrows?
ME: Right here (pointing to them.)
MADELEINE: But Mommy? Where's YOUR scaly skin?
ME: I don't have scaly skin.
MADELEINE: Yeah, you just have pimples. There's your pimples.
ME: Yeah, that's great.
MADELEINE: And Daddy doesn't have scaly skin, Daddy just has whiskers. Mommies don't have whiskers, they just have PIMPLES.

Just in case you haven't picked this up from some of the last few blog posts:

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Madeleine seems to be preoccupied wit skin of all conditions! XOXO, Love, Yiayia
