Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bath-time, explained

The girls really love bath time, and Julia has had quite a history of coming up with imaginative games while in the tub. (Losagna and Lousagna, anyone?) Lately she has been using a slew of terms to describe the various games she and Madeleine play, and my curiosity finally got the best of me after hearing things like, "Mommy, can you give me a washcloth because I need to give Madeleine her CHAMPAY." And speaking of Madeleine, Julia is quick to correct her if she doesn't pronounce Julia's bath language correctly. (MADELEINE: A want "pour water?" JULIA: It's called "pourpaninse pour water," Madeleine!)

Today I sat down with Julia to get a better understanding of the various bath activities she and Madeleine partake in.

"You put water on your head and I do a champay. You can get things that have water, like the toys that I got Madeleine for her birthday, you can dump water over your head, and anything you want to do, you could wring Belle's hair out to get water on your head, you could wring Ariel's hair out to get water on your head. You can put washcloths in the water and then do this with them (petting her hair.)"

Pourpaninse pour water:
"You fill a cup up and then give it to Madeleine, and then she would dump it out. And she calls it 'pour water.' I would fill a cup up for Ariel's bath time, and then I would put her in and then I could take her out when her bath would be all done."

Dumping water when I'm not doing a champay:
"Well, I pour water over my head, like, not just one time. I would pour water over my head or over Madeleine's head two times. We wouldn't put the other things on our head, I could fill a cup and dump water over my head."
(I was initially confused about the difference between dumping water and champay, but as I now understand it, a champay is done with bath toys or a washcloth, but never with a cup, and dumping water is only done with a cup. Phew. Glad I finally got to the bottom of that one.)

Hopefully this will enlighten all you readers. I mean, her explanations make perfect sense, don't you think?

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